Board Members
Update in progress
Club Secretary
Tom Nugent

Having been club secretary for Woodside Celtic FC, a club based in London, and being named secretary of the year for the Woolwich and Eltham Sunday Football Alliance (WESFA) in the season 2012-2013, I jumped at the chance to become part of the board at MPE.
This club is close to the hearts of many in the community and one that is continuing to grow day by day. Alongside being the club secretary of the club, I am also the referee's coordinator, a junior training coach and I also manage our Under 14's side, and not forgetting an event planner. Over my time at the club, I am proud to say that we are moving in the right direction and as a board, we have big plans for the future.
Text regarding Dave
Dave Gubbins

Keith Taylor

I became part of the MPE FC family over 30 years ago as my stepson was a player and I wanted to help make it possible for people to be able to play the sport I love to watch (not play). I became Club Secretary almost immediately and served for many years in that position before becoming Club Chairman. As Club Chairman, I try to help steer the club in the right direction with the aid of the members of the Board. I am a hands-on Chairman and assist the Club Treasurer in a small way. I also deal with player registrations when it comes to updating the FA database.
Mick Rayner

First of all, let me welcome you to MPE Football Club.
My special thanks goes to the Management Committee.
Secondly, my thanks goes to all the Football Managers who have kindly given up their time and without you there would be no club.
Thirdly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Michael J Rayner, born in August 1942 in central London.
I left school at the age of 15 and joined the Merchant Navy. I emigrated to Australia in the early 60’s mainly working in the open cast iron ore mines, then after a while I moved to Melbourne Victoria where I met my wife. We have one son Mark, who was born in Australia and we have two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. We returned to England then moved from London to Kent (Madginford). After a short while, my next door neighbour Barry Upjohn and myself formed a five a side football team which we called MPE FC The demand to play was so overwhelming that I decided whether it would be practical to form an eleven a side football team to which the response was enormous, so then we went ahead and applied to the league and was duly accepted.
I have carried out several duties, such as Club Secretary, initially the 1st Team Manager, 2nd Team Manager, all his occurred in 1971. Time has passed and various events have taken place, in particular our twinning with Arlington, Vermont USA. Finally, I was asked to be President after the tragic loss of the President at that time, Mick Horrell.
I was most surprised and grateful to receive a life time award. I thank you all and wish you all the very best for the future.
Mick Rayner
Pitch Bookings
Training Bookings
Website Administrator
Ian Harbord

MPE is a great club, not the richest by a long way, we do not own our own ground, despite having been around for 52 years and we don't have all the fancy training devices that some academies have. What we do have though, is a bunch of committed people who want to give kids of all ages and backgrounds the chance to play the sport they love and I'm happy to do my little bit to help. I coach the Under 13 team too and have done since they were in Year 1 at school.
I look after the website, all the training and match pitch bookings, and get involved in organising the presentation day and sponsorship opportunities.
Club Welfare Officer
Mark Roles

Premier League appearances 0
International caps 0
Like most parents, volunteers and coaches who are actively part of MPE I initially became involved in coaching at the club for my eldest son and then my younger son seeing them progress through from junior training to 11 a side.
We are an inclusive club an concentrate on developing players skills and teamwork - we are not just about winning.
As well as continuing to coach i have and continue to be involved in fund raising activities, club events and recently have had the pleasure of being asked to undertake the role of Assistant Welfare officer at the club. This will involve working alongside JohnLeaf a man who has many years experience of which I will no doubt learn plenty from.
John Leaf

John Leaf is the heart of our club and stands for everything football should be about. For years, John has given up his Saturday mornings to coach and train our newest recruits to MPE from Year R schools all over Maidstone. As an ex-professional goalkeeper, John reinvests his love of the game through the youngsters he introduces to football. Frankly, without John, and people like John, football would be inaccessible to many children and it's where the journey starts for 5-year-old girls and boys who just want to enjoy playing their favourite game and play in their first MPE Under 6 team.
It was with great sadness to the local football community, when late in 2022, John sadly passed away after a short illness. He will forever be remembered by those who knew him, as not only a great football man, but a loving family man with the utmost loyalty and values. RIP John, we are sure that you have a game organised somewhere up in the sky.